Welcome Pocklington Area and the Airfield People Aircraft & Crews Operations Places Association

All information and photos are  copyright '© 102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association 2020
(unless indicated otherwise) and may not be used without permission of the association.
Email: 102squadronassociation@gmail.com

The Official Website of the
102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association

102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association

The 102 Squadron Roll of Honour is housed within St Catherine's Church, Barmby Moor.

The Roll has been transcribed by our archivist, Clare Wilson.

For the Roll ordered by date of loss click here

We would like to make you aware of the research carried out by Clare Wilson into the War Graves within St Catherine's Churchyard at Barmby Moor.

Clare is a genealogist and is the Association’s Archivist. She has researched the individuals buried there, many of whom were associated with 102 Squadron

She says "they are a lot more than just names and Dates etched in stone... these men served, fought and died for their country"

Clare has kindly given permission for us to provide links from our website to her research here. For an article about her work published in the Pocklington Post click here.

Photo by Clare Wilson used with permission

RAF Bomber Command Striking Back


The painting “Hull, Hell and Halifax” by Keith Woodcock is reproduced by kind permission of the painter

The aims of the 102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association are as follows:

a) To keep alive the history of the Squadron and its members.

b) To hold an Annual Reunion and to commemorate Remembrance Day

c) To receive subscriptions and to produce a Newsletter

This website contains much information about the Squadron but further detailed information can be found from these websites:

2024 Reunion Weekend was held June 7 to 9th 2024

You may be interested in this book published in late 2020 about a crew from 102 Squadron.

For more detail including a discount from the publishers click here

Take a look at the Autumn 2024 Newsletter here

If you would like to see what has been updated on this website recently click here

On October 25, 2023 the Allied Air Force Research Webinar Series featured a presentation by the members of the 102 Squadron Association Management Group:

Harry Bartlett (Secretary) gave “A personal perspective on the formation, development and continuation of a World War 2 Bomber Command Squadron Association”

Clare Wilson (Archivist) spoke about the Squadron Archive

and John Saville (Webmaster) spoke about “Social side of life on & off base)

You can see the presentation by clicking here

Membership renewals for 2024/5 are due now.

If you have not received information about membership please contact the Association Secretary, Harry Bartlett, on 102squadronassociation@gmail.com