Welcome Pocklington Area and the Airfield People Aircraft & Crews Operations Places Association

All information and photos are  copyright '© 102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association 2020
(unless indicated otherwise) and may not be used without permission of the association.
Email: 102squadronassociation@gmail.com

The Official Website of the
102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association

102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association

This page is an index to information about Pocklington and the Airfield when used by 102 (Ceylon) Squadron and its later use

Life on Base inc Entertainments & Sport

The Squadron War Memorial

Information in Wolds Gliding Club

Pocklington and the Airfield

Friday the Thirteenth

The nearby Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington houses a restored Halifax bomber amongst many other aircraft and is well worth a visit.

Barmby Moor article

Photo by Clare Wilson used with permission.
Clare Wilson, the 102 Squadron Association’s Archivist has researched the individuals buried at Barmby Moor, many of whom were associated with 102 Squadron

The painting
Hull, Hell and Halifax by Keith Woodcock is reproduced by kind permission of the painter.
Click for a larger version

The model of RAF Pocklington as it was during WWII