The GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation, was in operation from May 2017. It was a Regulation by which the European Commission strengthened data protection for individuals within the European Union (EU). On December 31, 2020, it was replaced for UK citizens by UK-GDPR (United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation). This left in place the main principles, obligations to minimise collection of personal data, deletion of personal data that is no longer necessary, to restrict access, and to secure data through its entire lifecycle, and rights to view data. Consequently, the legislation affects the way the Association contacts its members and stores personal information about its membership.
The following personal information is held electronically by the Association on its members, and this information is held in the Membership Email Distribution List and Membership Spreadsheet held by the Association Secretary.(* See note below)
Full Name
Full address and postcode
Email Address
Contact telephone Numbers.
Information on their connection to 102 Squadron (e.g. relative who served with dates and rank)
Other information submitted by the member on the membership join/renewal form, or subsequently.
Subscription information, such as date and amount paid.
Booking and payment information for the Annual Reunion Dinner
The Association will only use members’ personal details specified above, and these will be used solely for the following purposes:
Notification of annual renewal and Association events
Distribution of the Association Newsletter
Notification of other events deemed to be of interest to members (e.g. organised visits).
Communication for the purposes of sharing research/information of common interest.
Maintaining a record of those submitting information to the Association archive
Members who leave the Association will have their personal details (apart from name) deleted after two years of leaving the Association.
You may have a copy of this policy by request.
You have the right to:
o Be removed from the lists etc., but this may affect your ability to receive information about activities of the Association.
o See what information we store about you, by request to the Club Secretary, ( and we will provide this within 30 days.
o Have your history deleted.
o Change details of the data.
Rev 5 April 15, 2021 Approved at EGM June 4, 2021
The 2023/4 Association AGM established a change from having an Honorary Chairman to having an active Chairman elected from within the Association Management Group. Consequently, the information identified above has been held by the Association Chairman (who is the same individual as the previous Association Secretary).
At its meeting on December 11, 2024, the 102 Association Management Group agreed to a full review of this Privacy Policy with a view to presenting revisions to the AGM to be held on May 25, 2025